Fox Political News Twitter Hacked, Obama Assasinated | News

The following tweets were posted from the @FoxNewsPolitics account July 4th. Fox proclaims President Obama to be dead via assassination at a restaurant. Hacked? Yeah, we believe you. At this point the Secret Service is taking over the investigation of the apparent hack on the Fox 5 Twitter account.

Fox News released this article shortly after the hack.’s Twitter feed for political news, FoxNewspolitics, was hacked early Monday morning.

Hackers sent out several malicious and false tweets claiming that President Obama had been assassinated. Those reports were incorrect, of course, and the president was spending the July 4 holiday with his family at the White House.

The tweets have been removed from the feed. Read more HERE

Hacked? Kind of hard to believe Fox 5’s Political News Twitter account was “hacked” when they so blatantly disrespect President Obama ALL the time.

This is a screen shot of Fox News after the news of OSAMA Bin Laden’s death….. Obama Bin Laden? Good job Fox.


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